Wednesday, March 2, 2016


I haven't been on here for awhile. I just haven't felt as good as I would like. You know the saying, "Its Hell To Grow Old"....well, suddenly, that has really hit home! Now, don't write me and tell me all the benefits there are to growing old.........I know the two. But I sit at my computer and look across my field to the neighbors back door. They are ancient, really old, both of them. They built a ramp to their back door, instead of the steps. I watch them come out, slowly, slowly, working their way to their car. They can barely get in but finally are settled and off they go. I sit, totally still and sort of sick thinking........"Wow, is that it? Is that really the future? Why? Is there any joy? Is there any fun?" Okay, I know there are still fun things ahead, its just a new challenge, a new way of life. Its just that I used to be so busy and so full of life and physically able to do anything. Now, can barely carry a 14 lb bag of dog food to the house from the car.........sigh. Now, don't get me wrong.......I'm not "down" or becoming depressed.......not on my watch........but I just have to accept a new way of life. And I will. I just refuse to dye my hair purple or where lace up black shoes with a polyester pants suit or ride in those little motorized carts at the big box stores...........oh dear.
Now, I want to thank everyone that has asked where my blog is.....I am always amazed at how many people read this. Remember you can google"Cooking for Bob" and see more, older blogs with more recipes.
I guess I am still into soup and boy is this a favorite. I just sort of made it up so hope it works for you.
Saute in a skillet, in butter: chopped carrots, chopped onion, chopped garlic and a head of broccoli florets........sliced.
When sauteed to a soft onion, stir in a Tblsp or so of flour and then add a cup or two of chicken broth, depending on how much you are making, continue to cook til all is soft. Then mush up with an immersible blender if you have mine!.........or use the blender...........When ready.......add a cup or more of milk and a cup or more of shredded cheese......I used cheddar just because I had it on hand. Just stir til all is melted and serve warm. This is sooooo good.


  1. I hear ya, Lynne. Not that old, but not able to do what we used to do! Love your blog (and you).

  2. I still have a hard time with the heat and humidity of Southern Living . . . add to that the getting old bit and I'm right there with you. The only good thing is that on good days when you do feel like a million dollars you can do anything you want to . . . want being the major emphasis. And it is a great excuse when you don't want to do something, or need to play dumb like with computer and/or other technology things, Maybe that is the silver lining in the cloud.
