Thursday, May 3, 2012


This afternoon I made 4 pints of mulberry jelly.  Now, I didn't have the vaguest idea what mulberries were til I moved to Oklahoma. I found out, they are a wild berry, looks like a small blackberry, that come on in the spring and in the fall.  I think of them sort of like chokecherries from Wyoming.  I have two trees of them on our property and if I beat the birds to them......I can pick a couple of buckets.  I won't go into detail about how to make mulberry jelly, as I am sure non of you will be in a mulberry area!  It is so good.........I added a tiny pinch of cinnamon to mine and it is just delicious. Can't wait for homemade waffles with mulberry syrup! My mouth is watering!!
I also have jalapenos coming on.......when I get a nice crop.......I'll make jalapeno jelly.  I used to make it in Mexico and serve it on cream cheese with crackers at happy hour.
So nice to do a little canning........I have missed that.  My pantry will be full.