Thursday, August 6, 2015


Okay, lets talk dogs. Everyone I know has at least one dog if not two. Living in Cabo, all my friends either adopted a street dog or adopted one from the Shelter. The dogs, of course, were so grateful for this new life, they made wonderful companions. I knew all of my friends' dogs names and discussed them as part of a family discussion. In Cabo, when there weren't any telephones, everyone communicated with hand held radios and everyone had a handle, or radio name. Many people went by their dogs names or Two Dog Bob, Three Dog Bob, etc. I didn't even know some of these friends last names but when I addressed them it would be, "Hi, Two Dog, how are you doing?" So, of course, all my life I have had at least one dog. I now have four! Yes, four, two are my sons that I am caring for, PiPi and Poncho. I have my dog Molly, came from the Shelter in Cabo and I now have a stay Pitbull I have named Oreo. Now, if I was to pick a new dog from 100 dogs, Oreo would have been number 100, but I didn't pick him, he picked me. Wandered in as an uncared for, hungry, thirsty big guy looking for a home. He now has one. Being alone, I have grand conversations with my dogs, some listened intently and some have  more interesting things to do, like sniffing the garbage or scratching or looking out the window for squirrels. What would life be without our dogs?

Now, food. I have always felt that I made the best Hot Fudge Sauce in the world and have shared the recipe in the past on this blog but believe me........I have found a new one that is even better. This one has some kick......just enough to make you wanting more. This recipe make quite a bit, you can half it or fill a quart jar and keep in the frig for later. Will last a long time. Just heat enough for your bowl of ice cream and enjoy!
3 cups sugar
1 1/2 cups milk
6 Tblsp butter
Mix this tog in a saucepan and whisk til the sugar is dissolved......3-4 min.
Then add:
1/2 cup plus 1 Tblsp of cocoa
dash of cinnamon
1 1/2 tsp sea salt
1 tsp chipotle  chili powder
1/2 tsp cayenne
3 oz semi sweet chocolate
Stir well til all is blended and the chocolate has melted
That's it.........give it a try......You will be so surprised at how good it is!

Saturday, August 1, 2015


Okay, have given this some thought. It has been so hot here in Oklahoma this last month, almost unbearable. With all of the weeks and weeks of rain we had and then suddenly in the high 90's everyday, our heat index has been 118, 116, etc! The air is so heavy its hard to even breath outside. The Government issued warnings that the elderly should stay inside. I thought,  "Yes, of course they should" and then........suddenly......I thought, "Oh, I am an elderly!" Wow, that is hard to except. Elderly have always been those old people with grey hair, canes, old lady black shoes and polyester pants. Is that me? How did this happen? Well, first of all......its not me.......If I ever wear polyester pants please someone put me out to pasture. I still live in my levis, flip flops and t shirts. But, I realize I do have some of those "elderly" tendencies. Now, some people may call this a rut, I call it a routine. I wake up very early, doesn't matter what time I go to bed, I'm up usually before the sun. I have exactly two cups of coffee on the patio while I look through my tablet. First I look at the weather, then local news, then national news, then my emails and last Face Book. I then feed the dogs and I have a bowl of oatmeal, that I have done for 20 years, no sugar just oatmeal and whole milk. My Mexican Doctor told me to do that and I'd never have high cholesterol, he was right.
I then survey my yard, front and back and finally get cleaned up and ready for the day. Do you think this is "elderly"? I guess it is. Do you feel elderly? Do you have a routine? Okay now on to this delightful salad dressing. In the summer, well, actually most of the time I prefer a vinegar/lemon dressing but now and then I get hungry for a creamy dressing. I just love this one.........make enough to store in the frig for awhile.
Not sure if it has a name or if I made it up or where it really came from.
1 cup of Mayo
2 Tblsp Chili Sauce ( I use Sriracha)
1 Tblsp Ketchup
1 Tblsp Worcestershire sauce
1 Tblsp A-1
So good......also excellent on Corn on the Cob and Fruit Salads
Enjoy! AND if I stay inside.........whose going to mow this acre?
Oh, and if you like my blog enough to share, please do. Thanks.