Friday, March 16, 2012


I hope everyone is making or invited to eat corned beef and cabbage tomorrow.  My memory always goes back to Cabo San Lucas and how impossible it was to buy corn beef.  I remember asking my dear friend Bob Collins to bring a pkg of corn beef to me from the states one year on the airlines.........of course he did and what a special dinner that was.  In later years we were able to buy it, if you were one of the lucky ones and purchased it before they were gone.

One of the easiest meals to make.  Of course, there are lots of twists on corn beef and cabbage but I still like it the old fashioned way.......

Early in the day.........put the corn beef and spices that come with it in a large pot, cover with water, bring to a boil and then simmer for several hours.  Skim the foam off as you go a long.  I had a friend tell me, they bring it to a boil then remove, rinse and start with fresh water (to get rid of the scum) Can you imagine what great taste you are tossing?  No, No not necessary.......just skim as you go. 

About an hour before serving add: cut up carrots, onions cut in large chunks, and little new potatoes.  Or, if you don't have little new ones...........any cut up potatoes will work.

About 20 min before serving add your cabbage wedges........remember they cook down so be sure to add plenty.

Another totally simple recipe........anyone can make it.  Set oven high......about 450 degrees.
In a large bowl throw in about 3 1/4 cups flour, mixed with 1/2 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp baking soda.
Make a well in the middle and dump in about 1 1/2 cups buttermilk (give or take a bit) The dough shouldn't be real sticky just sort of soft.........mix it with your hands......gently. Now turn it out on a floured counter and knead for just a second.......just sort of pat it into a round pile......and put on a cookie sheet you have sprayed with Pam.  Cut a huge X in the let the fairies out.  Bake for 15 min. then turn the oven to 400 degrees and bake another 30 min. I take the handle of a table knife and tap the top........if it sounds hollow.........its done.
Serve with wonderful melted herb butter.........soft butter mixed with chopped thyme or any herb you would like............this just made my mouth water! LOL dear Irish friend, Rebecca.............wish we were sharing it tog.

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