Monday, January 18, 2016


Okay, I survived the extraction of the piece of root that was left after I pulled my tooth. Still a little temperamental so have been eating soups and soft foods...recipe later.
So during this past week, if you are on Face Book, you know the story of my new adopted dog, Pistol.  Pistol isn't a new dog, has been hanging out at my house off and on for a couple years. He is a Lab/Pit mix and his parents abandoned him, he ended up in the pound and I adopted him. So, now I have 4 wonderful dog companions! Oh, and by the way, Mollys eye seems fine now. But, oh, dear, when it comes time for me to move west this spring.......4 dogs are going to be a challenge. When I go to town, of course, they all want to go. Problem is, they all want to sit in the front seat by me! I wish I could video this, the two big dogs and Molly in one seat and Poncho the Chihuahua on my lap! When I run into the store, they all howl in unison! I'm sure I am the only one that thinks its cute!
I did make the most delightful bean soup. So easy and it could be a vegetarian soup, its up to you.  Wonderful on a cold night with the homemade French bread.
Bean soup:
Put a little olive oil in a large pot and saute: chopped onion, chopped carrot, chopped
                                                                       celery and chopped garlic. Sprinkle with
                                                                       salt and pepper
When soft, add a drained can or two (depending on how much you are making) of cannelli beans or (I didn't have cannelli beans) small white butter beans (limas)
One or two small cans of tomato's either diced, chopped or whole
2-4 cups of chicken broth OR you could use vegetable broth
I threw in a sprig of fresh rosemary and thyme
A bunch of chopped Kale...........simmer about 20 minutes or more and serve with French bread. This French Bread recipe is so easy, I have been making this same recipe for 50 years! Now, I know you can buy a baguette at any grocery store but there isn't anything that smells better then homemade bread baking on a cold day, is there?
In a large glass bowl (run bowl under hot water to warm it up) place 1 1/4 cups of warmish/hot water............sprinkle over 1 pkg yeast..........stir til dissolved.
Then add 1/2 TBLsp of salt and 1/2 Tblsp melted butter.........stir
Now add about 3 1/2 cups of flour or less.......knead and form into a in a clean lightly greased bowl and cover with a clean towel and let raise in a warm place until dbl in size. This is so easy..........I usually turn my oven on to low and let the bread raise on top of my stove on a cold day.
Now, punch the dough down after it has risen. Sort of roll it out just a little and then roll it up in a log shape, tucking under the ends. Place it carefully on a greased baking sheet, sprinkled with cornmeal. If you don't have can just forget it but cornmeal should be a staple in your kitchen.
Let raise again........covered......until doubled. Set oven at 450 degrees.........when bread has doubled.........with a razor blade, slice 4 diagonal slices on the top....carefully.
Bake for 25 minutes, remove and brush on some egg white that you have mixed with a little water and return to oven for 5 more minutes! You will absolutely love easy and so delicious! You can easily double this recipe and have 2 delightful loaves.

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