Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Thinking about making a cake........looking through my recipes......came across this one.......it is so easy and fast........I used to make it for picnics........everyone loves it...........so moist!

Pour 1 1/2 cups of boiling water over 1 cup quick oats........let set 20 min.
Cream tog 1/2 cup soft butter and 1 cup brown sugar and 1 cup white sugar
Add 2 eggs and beat well.
Add the oats and beat well again..........Now add:
1 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp soda
1/2 tsp salt and 1 tsp cinnamon
Mix all of this up real well and pour into a greased and floured 9 x 13 pan.
Bake at 350 degrees for 35 min.
While cake is baking Make the topping.......this is why this is so fast and easy....
Cream tog 6 Tblsp soft butter and 1/2 cup brown sugar
Then add 1/4 cup canned milk, (see how old fashioned this recipe is......canned milk! I use cream. I am sure you could just use plain milk) 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1/2 cup coconut.............
Let the cake cool about 10 min..........then pour the topping over and cool some more.......don't put topping on if cake is toooooo warm......will run everywhere.
Kids love this cake.......even if they think they don't like coconut.........They won't even know it is there.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Years ago........I made bbq pork sandwiches for Paul (Sammys stage manager) his wife Kaye, and Christophe and wife...Christophe was the food manager for the Flamingo in Veges. I had no idea who he was and that I was making bbq sandwiches for him!!  Paul and Kaye........two of my favorite people in the whole world have always been dear friends. Kaye remembers the sandwiches and asked for the recipe..........so here it is..........so easy........I feel guilty!

First roast a nice pork roast.  Any kind of roast will work except a tenderloin........it must have some fat......a nice round pork roast with some fat.  Put this in a heavy covered pot.......with NO water, NO anything but salt and pepper.  Bake at 350 for a couple hours depending on the size.......should be some browning on the bottom of the pan and the roast should flake off when jabbed with a fork.
Okay now.......remove from oven......if there is alot of grease......spoon off as much as you can.
Flake the roast all up into stringy pieces with a large fork and a knife.....it should flake easy.
Now when its all flaked.........dump in a bottle of your favorite bbq sauce.........I use Kraft Spicy Honey........its real cheap.........and I doctor it a bit.........salt, pepper, maybe a little hot sauce........just taste as you go along.......you may not even want to doctor it up.
Put on a burner on the stove on low.........lid on........just simmer for awhile and then put it on buttered and browned buns.........thats it!  Enjoy!

Friday, January 27, 2012


Bob isn't feeling real well and one of his favorites is banana pudding...........as is a favorite for all Southerners!  I had bananas but no vanilla wafers.  I ran to our two little country side stores and neither had vanilla wafers..........didn't want to drive all the way into town for vanilla wafers so decided to make my own!  Wow.......they turned out just like the vanilla wafers we buy in the box.  I was so proud........they are actually better........may never buy another box!

Vanilla Wafers:
Cream tog 1 cube of softened butter with 1/2 cup sugar. Mix well and then add 1 egg.  After mixing well add 1 Tblsp milk and 4 tsp vanilla.
Now add your dry ingredients..........1 2/3 cup flour, 3/4 tsp baking powder and 1/2 kosher salt
Mix all this up real good and put in frig for 10 min.
Shape into tsp size balls and put about 35 on a cookie sheet and 35 on another cookie sheet.  Take the heel of your hand and mash each one just a little........bake on two racks rotating the cookie sheets after 10 min.......then bake another 10 min....20 min altogether.....They are so cool.........
In about a 2 quart oven proof bowl........layer a layer of cookies with sliced bananas on top (about 1 1/2 bananas.......repeat this 3 times)
In a pan put 2 cups milk, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/3 cup flour, 3 egg yolks (save the whites for meringue)
and a shot of salt.........whisk it all up and cook on med stirring all the time (if your stove runs a little hot........cook on med/low) til thick like pudding.............
Pour over the cookies and bananas.
In your mixer.......Mix the 3 egg whites til frothy........slowly add 1/4 cup sugar and beat til stiff peaks..........dollop this merinigue all over the pudding......seal up to the edges.......Bake 15 min at 325.........Cool on a rack.......can eat warm or after its cooled put in frig for awhile and serve cold........This is good old fashioned southern banana pudding............!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


The new issue of Bon Appetit is full of Southern food recipes.  It seems that Southern Cooking has become the "In" thing.  Being married to an original southerner.......I have enjoyed southern cooking for quite some time.  Lots of grease..........almost everything is fried BUT these people live to be a ripe old age.......I find that remarkable...........I do lots of frying but moderate it with northern cooking also.  Now, the big thing I have discovered is........I've been doing my fried chicken all wrong.  I have always felt my fried chicken was really good but have found Bon Appetit is right.........it CAN get better.  I have always soaked my chicken in buttermilk overnight, no more............Now it is a dry rub, overnight..........so pay attention this will give you the BEST fried chicken you have ever eaten.

In a small bowl.....make your dry rub.........1 Tblsp Kosher salt, 2 tsp pepper, 1 tsp cayenne, 1/2 tsp garlic powder and 1/2 tsp onion powder.  Cut up your chicken.........start with a smaller chicken, 3-4 lbs........rub the seasoning all over and put in frig for over night.

Next day......let chicken sit for about 1 hour to reach room temp.  Now whisk tog 1 cup buttermilk, 1 egg, and 1/2 cup water in a med bowl.  In another bowl whisk tog 3 cups flour, 1 Tblsp cornstarch, 1 Tbslp Kosher salt and 1 Tblsp black pepper.
Now heat about 3/4 inch of peanut oil in a cast iron skillet..........I used to deep fat fry mine in the deep fat fryer........no more.......cast iron works so much better. If you are using a thermometer, you want the oil to be about 350 degrees.
Now, another mistake I have been making....I've been  DOUBLE DIPPING.......Too much........doesn't let the true flavor of the skin come through.  Dip your chicken piece into the buttermilk mixture and then into the flour mixture........fry about 5  pieces at a time.......turn with tongs about every minute or so..........Cook til skin is golden brown.......about 12 minutes......you can test with instant read thermometer. Should be about 165 degrees.
Place your cooked pieces on a rack over a cookie sheet......this keeps your chicken nice and crispy.
I can't even begin to tell you how good this is............my mouth is watering just talking about it.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


This will be short and sweet..........had a wonderful slab of fresh salmon a dear friend over nighted to us!!  Even tho its cold Bob threw it on the barbecue outside..........melted in our mouths. Thanks, Doug!  I love this sauce with salmon........or really any fish........I could eat it by the bowl full!

In a blender (I use my small little food processor) put 1 lrg clove of garlic, 1/4 cup fresh squeezed lime juice, a little salt and pepper and blend..........slowly pour in, while blending, 1 stick of melted butter..........oh this is so good.

Of course when you have fresh salmon you must have blueberries for dessert.......made blueberry crepes.  Just cook blueberries with a little sugar, then add about 1 Tblsp cornstarch mixed with a little water and cook til blueberries are thickened. 
Make crepes.........just like a thin, thin pancake BUT NO sugar in the batter. Roll the blueberry filling up in the crepe, dot with butter..........serve with a dab of whip cream on top.........sooooooo good!

Friday, January 20, 2012


Well today I bought another 10 lb bag of bird seed!  I have Jode's bird feeder hanging on a limb out back and even tho we don't have snow..........the birds have spread the word that the restaurant at the Smalls is open!  We have so many beautiful birds around here and they are all hungry!

My good friend, Rebecca, reminded me of Chicken Pot pie the other day...........so another good comfort food recipe.  Not sure where this recipe came from but my favorite.

Start with about 2 cup of chicken broth (I make my own but if you buy it.........maybe a little more than a cup)   Add: about 1 1/2 cup chopped carrots, about 1 1/2 cups chopped potatoes and boil about 10 min.........just til soft.
In a skillet.........saute sliced mushrooms, and about 1 cup of chopped onions and about 1 cup chopped celery just til softened.  Stir in the broth, carrots and potatoes.  In a cup whisk about 1/2 cup water with about 1/3 cup flour........to make a thickener.........Whisk all of this together and cook til it is nice and thick. Now stir in about 2  1/2 cups of cooked chicken......AND 1 cup frozen peas........let set.
Put you bottom crust (if you are using store bought pie dough........which is fine) in about a 2 qt. baking dish........NOW.........sometimes the bottom crust can get soggy........if you lightly brush it with egg white.......that will help.
Dump all of the chicken mixture into the pie shell........cover with other crust that you have cut some holes in...........seal........brush with a little egg white mixed with a little water to give a nice golden crust............Bake at 425 degrees about 20 min.  So easy when you can buy the chickens already cooked at all the grocery stores now........a nice convenience we didn't used to have.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Just made this yesterday.........just a delightful cake!! And so easy and so impressive.........!

Oven 350 degrees.......butter and flour a regular loaf pan.

Place 4 eggs in your mixer and leave for a bit to reach room temp.
Now mix the eggs with 1 1/2 cups sugar, 6 Tblsp melted butter, 1/2 cup milk and a shot of vanilla.  Mix real well then add:
1 3/4 cups flour, 1 tsp baking powder and 1/2 tsp salt.........Mix well.
Mean time melt 3 oz of chocolate.........the recipe I have said milk chocolate.........but I am so hung up on dark chocolate or bittersweet chocolate now...........really don't even like milk chocolate anymore........way too sweet.  Anyway, melt the 3 oz and set aside to cool a bit. 

After the chocolate has cooled.  Take about a cup of the batter and dump your chocolate into it and stir good..........Now put enough of your  batter without the chocolate into the loaf pan to cover the bottom and then dollop the chocolate batter on top.about 3 nice dollops......DON'T stir.......just dollop and let it sit there......Now repeat this as many times as it takes to use up both batters........just don't stir......Bake exactly 1 hour and 10 min..........watch it after an hour........test with toothpick..........cool 10 min on a rack and then remove from pan.........just.wait til you slice it.........it is all marbled and looks so cool......and tastes as good as it looks!....makes a great slice of cake........no frosting necessary.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I know that most of you probably already know how to cook this but like I said yesterday.......its always good to be reminded of dishes from the past.  This was a special when the kids were little.......as I could put it on way ahead and sort of forget about it.

You can use pork chops or you can use any cut of pork steaks......the cheapest will work fine as they simmer for a long time and become very tender.
Brown your pork in a large skillet.......remember that browning well gives you the brown stuff in the bottom of the skillet that gives your gravy the special good flavor.  Salt and pepper both sides as you turn.
After they are browned......add a bunch of sliced onions and sliced fresh mushrooms......stir those around for a bit and then turn down the heat to about med/low.........add a can of cream of mushroom soup and about 1/2 can of water.......stir and put the lid on to simmer for as long as you would like.  Just remember to check now and then......lift the pork off the bottom of the pan so the gravy runs underneath and add more water if you plan to leave for more time.......the longer they cook, the more tender the pork is........usually a couple hours. 
Now, all you have to do is boil a couple of potatoes for that wonderful gravy and put on a vegy. How about frozen peas........goes well.
Today I am making a chocolate/white swirl loaf cake........it smells so good........hope it tastes as good as it smells........will give you the recipe tomorrow.

Monday, January 16, 2012


I am sure I have given you this recipe before but its good to remind you of how good it is!! I always have tons of compliments on my meatloaf and we know there are hundreds of ways to prepare it..........I just think mine is the best way.........give it a try.

In a bowl mix 1 lb of hamburger with about 1/2 cup chopped onion and 1/2 cup of chopped green pepper.  To this add 1 egg, salt, pepper and a shot of cayenne. Then add 1 lrg piece of white bread that you have gently torn into small pieces.  If you have a normal slice of bread, use 1 1/2 slices.  This makes a huge difference........when you use those dry bread crumbs.......it makes your meatloaf hard.......the bread tends to puff up and make the meatloaf lighter. Now mush all of that tog and form into a sort of fat oval.

This is one of the other differences........put this glob on a cookie sheet and smear the whole thing with olive oil..........oven 350 for 1 hour.  This gives you a crispy outer crust and soft moist inside.............SOOOOOO good with a baked potato.  ENJOY!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Back to soups.........this is such a special soup, you will want to serve it for a special occasion or for a late night indulgence by the fire.  I always think of my dear friend, Amy, when I make wild rice.  Wild rice, which of course isn't really rice, is one of my fondest foods........any way that it is fixed.

In a skillet with some melted butter, saute about 1/2 cup of chopped carrots, onions and celery.  When soft add about 4 cups of chicken broth and 3/4 cup wild rice..............bring to a boil and then to simmer for about 30 min.  Then add about 1 to 2 cups cooked chicken that you cubed up.  Simmer tog for about another 30 min.
Now make a paste with 2 Tblsp of butter and 2 Tblsp of flour.........mush it up real well and stir into the soup to thicken.  Now add about 2 cups of half and half...........boy is this rich!  Just heat through and season with salt and pepper............my mouth is watering........

Thursday, January 12, 2012


I know it is still National Soup month but my dear friend, Jean, and I were speaking yesterday about this Parmesan chicken.  I couldn't remember exactly how I made it so had to dig out the recipe.  If you like Parmesan cheese and you like chicken this recipe is for you!

Take about 3 chicken breasts, half them, and pat dry. In a bowl whisk tog about 3 Tblsp Dijon mustard, a shot of white wine, salt and pepper and add the chicken pieces.
In a shallow dish mix 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese and 1/2 cup breadcrumbs. If you don't have dried........just tear your white bread into tiny pieces. Drizzle the breadcrumb mixture with a bit of melted butter.
Heat oven to 450 degrees (I know that is hot...so watch it) Butter a cookie sheet.........take the breast from the marinade and roll around in the crumbs.........pat both sides and lay on the sheet.  Bake in oven for about 25 min.........watch it........if too hot........turn down to 400 degrees.  The Parmesan gives the chicken a nutty crunchy flavor.......you'll love it!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Today Bob and I had roast chicken with dressing.  We've done those recipes before so still sticking with the soup recipes.  This is one of my favorites from way back........don't have a clue where the recipe came from but its the best.

Thinly slice 5 onions..........Saute them in about 3 Tblsp butter and 2 Tblsp olive oil (to keep the butter from burning)
Stir in a bit of salt and a smidgen of sugar (for color.......browns)
Cook over med heat til onions are golden.......stirring as you go.
Now blend in about 3 Tblsp of flour, continue to cook and stir.  In the meantime bring about 3 or4 cups of beef broth to a boil............I use the concentrated that comes in a little jar.......flavor is wonderful. Stir this into the onions. Now this is optional but if you have any vermouth......add about 1/2 cup OR you could use a dry white wine.  Bring this to a boil and then simmer.
When ready........ladle the soup into oven proof soup bowls.......Place a nice slice of french bread on top and sprinkle with a bunch of grated Gouda..........oh how I love Gouda!
Put on a cookie tray in the oven at 325 degrees for about 20 minutes.........
What a treat on a real snowy evening........

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Somewhere in my childhood........I must have eaten some really bad split pea soup.......consequently as an adult I always shied away from it.  A long time ago, Bob and I four/wheeled into a remote resort on the southern Baja This was so remote that if you didn't have a four/wheel drive vehicle.......the only way to get to the resort was to fly in........in a small plane.  Beautiful place.  When we arrived, we were so hungry and the only dish they were serving was split pea soup with french bread!  To this day my mouth waters remembering how wonderful that soup was!!  Since that time..........its always been a favorite.  That wonderful Mexican lady knew how to make soup!!

Saute some kind of sausage.......Kielbasa is always my favorite but any smoked sausage will do.........cut into 1/2" cubes.
To this add: 1 cubed potato and one large onion chopped. At this point you could add a chopped carrot.  Saute 5 minutes.
Mix in 1 1/4 cup rinsed split peas and 4 cups chicken broth.  Bring to a boil and then simmer on low covered for about an hour........may need to thin this down a bit with more water.
Now, of course you can eliminate the sausage and when this has all cooked down........puree this in the blender and make a velvet soft soup.........this is the way it was served to us.
I am a "chunky" person and like the vegetables and sausage served in the soup so you can see them!! LOL  This will be a favorite of yours too!

Monday, January 9, 2012


Well, I just found out that this is National Soup Month!  Fits me perfectly. So, will give several more soup recipes to honor the month.  Not sure how many are into lentils but this recipe is so good on a cold day. 

Slice a Kielbasa sausage into slices about 2 inches thick and brown them in a little olive oil. Remove the slices to a bowl and set aside. Now add to the grease in the pan........1 chopped onion, 1 or 2 chopped carrots, 2 celery stalks chopped and about 6 or more cloves of garlic chopped.  Saute this lightly for about 5 minutes. Remember don't burn your garlic.
Now stir in about 3 cups of lentils that you have rinsed.......and 2 cups chicken stock and about 3 cups of water.  Add some fresh rosemary and a sprinkling of olive oil. Bring to a boil and then simmer for about an hour.  You may need to add more water. Then throw in your sausage and cook another 5 minutes or so......add a little more rosemary. 

This recipe can easily be cut in half.  I haven't actually made this whole recipe.  This is a little more stew than soup........as it is quite thick.........but I promise you will love it!  Don't you just love chabata bread?  Goes great with all these soups we are doing.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Today we had crispy fried chicken livers.........okay, okay, I know that not many of you are into chicken livers.........so won't go into detail..........but believe me.........they were delicious.  So easy.........melt about 1/2 cube of butter in a skillet and add a dose of olive oil (so butter won't burn)........dip the livers in flour and brown crispy in the butter.........

Tomorrow will be beef and barley soup.........great recipe and who doesn't like barley?

In a big pot.......brown about a pound of some kind of beef cut into cubes.  You could use a cheap roast, London broil, cheap steak........any kind of beef will work cause you will simmer it and it will become tender.
Remove the beef cubes from the pan.........should be some greasy leavings behind. May need to add a Tblsp of oil........
Now add 1 onion chopped, 1 carrot chopped, and some fresh mushrooms.......simmer and stir about 15 min......til all is soft. Sprinkle with salt.
Now throw in some minced garlic (about 3 or 4 cloves) and 2 Tblsp of tomato paste......stir.
Remove this from the burner and add 3/4 cup red wine.......return to heat and stir and cook til a boil........cook for just a minute or so.
Now dump in your beef cubes and about 4 cups of chicken stock and a couple cups of water. Yes, I did say chicken stock Not beef stock.......chicken gives a milder more savory flavor.
Bring to a boil and then turn to simmer and simmer covered for about an hour.
NOW add 3/4 cup barley and cook covered for about 20 minutes........Take the lid off and cook another 20 minutes or so.
A lesson I learned years ago...........a little barley goes a LONG way.......I didn't think it looked like enough when I added barley and I found it quadruples in size and I had a huge glob of barley!!! 
Serve with some soft warm bread........some like a little horseradish with this..........so good!

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Okay........I have to learn about this blog........this has happened to me about 3 times..........I get the whole blog typed out and hit a strange key and loose the WHOLE thing!! SOOOOO, we'll try it again!!  This makes me very angry...................sigh

Not sure about your weather but ours is absolutely delightful........72 degrees today!! It's like spring.  I love soup in the winter when its cold but then I got to thinking, actually I love soup year round.  I just really love soup and must have a jillion soup recipes.  A few years ago Misty and Eric were in Puerto Rico.  They had dinner at the restaurant Marmalade in Old San Juan and it was so delicious that they went back twice.  They had the White Bean Soup and just loved it so much Misty finally asked the Chef for the recipe and he gave it to her..........Its wonderful!

Instead of using dry navy beans........I have substituted a can of Cannelli beans.  I have cut the main recipe down to fit 2 or 3 people.

Cook 2 slices fo bacon til really crispy.  Remove the bacon, when cool, chop up and set aside.
In the grease fry 1/2 cup chopped onion and 1/2 cup chopped celery on med/high.  When the onions are soft and translucent add the can of Canneli beans, drained, a little fresh thyme, 2 cloves of garlic smashed, 2 Tblsp butter, 1/4 cup cream and 1 1/2 cups of chicken broth.  Bring this all to a boil and simmer for about 30 min or more.  Remove from heat and let cool about 30 min and then dump all in the blender and blend til smooth.............salt, pepper and garnish with your chopped bacon and chopped scallions AND TRUFFLE OIL!  Now, I can't buy truffle oil here........but even if I could......its terribly expensive.  BUT if you have some.....just drizzle on top.  I will say.......its delicious without it. 
Now, I have made this twice and made it two ways.........one where I blended it all til smooth and the second time I didn't blend it but left it chunky.  It was wonderful both ways..........serve with a nice buttery crusty bread.

Monday, January 2, 2012


I hope everyone had a great new years celebration and good dinner yesterday!  Did anyone gain a couple pounds through the holidays?  I did...........sorry to say..........too much homemade candy........I ate the chocolate salted camels by the hands full!!  Soooooo must work on eating salads and light food........LOL........thats a joke.......never will happen.  So I heard from several of you wondering what red eye gravy is..........didn't realize it was not in everyones recipes!

When you baked your ham.........Always bone-in, always fat side up, always open pan, always at 325 degrees.  When done...........never over cook........will be dry.  About 25 min per pound.  Anyway, when your ham is done and you take it out of your pan.........in the bottom is all of this red and black/brown gue..........This is delightful.........REAL red eye gravy is just this guie stuff mixed with a little hot water and whisked.........it is totally runny like water.........I like to put my gravy on my potatoes and/or corn bread......so I thicken it. 
You have the gue in the pan........sprinkle with a little flour.......whisk up the goodies.......add hot water and continue to whisk over med/high heat........til just a little thick.........you can not even imagine how good this is........be sure to do this next time you bake a ham. 
Did you enjoy the black eyed peas?  Black eyed peas and red eyed gravy........a good southern dinner.