Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I know that most of you probably already know how to cook this but like I said yesterday.......its always good to be reminded of dishes from the past.  This was a special when the kids were little.......as I could put it on way ahead and sort of forget about it.

You can use pork chops or you can use any cut of pork steaks......the cheapest will work fine as they simmer for a long time and become very tender.
Brown your pork in a large skillet.......remember that browning well gives you the brown stuff in the bottom of the skillet that gives your gravy the special good flavor.  Salt and pepper both sides as you turn.
After they are browned......add a bunch of sliced onions and sliced fresh mushrooms......stir those around for a bit and then turn down the heat to about med/low.........add a can of cream of mushroom soup and about 1/2 can of water.......stir and put the lid on to simmer for as long as you would like.  Just remember to check now and then......lift the pork off the bottom of the pan so the gravy runs underneath and add more water if you plan to leave for more time.......the longer they cook, the more tender the pork is........usually a couple hours. 
Now, all you have to do is boil a couple of potatoes for that wonderful gravy and put on a vegy. How about frozen peas........goes well.
Today I am making a chocolate/white swirl loaf cake........it smells so good........hope it tastes as good as it smells........will give you the recipe tomorrow.

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