Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Today Bob and I had roast chicken with dressing.  We've done those recipes before so still sticking with the soup recipes.  This is one of my favorites from way back........don't have a clue where the recipe came from but its the best.

Thinly slice 5 onions..........Saute them in about 3 Tblsp butter and 2 Tblsp olive oil (to keep the butter from burning)
Stir in a bit of salt and a smidgen of sugar (for color.......browns)
Cook over med heat til onions are golden.......stirring as you go.
Now blend in about 3 Tblsp of flour, continue to cook and stir.  In the meantime bring about 3 or4 cups of beef broth to a boil............I use the concentrated that comes in a little jar.......flavor is wonderful. Stir this into the onions. Now this is optional but if you have any vermouth......add about 1/2 cup OR you could use a dry white wine.  Bring this to a boil and then simmer.
When ready........ladle the soup into oven proof soup bowls.......Place a nice slice of french bread on top and sprinkle with a bunch of grated Gouda..........oh how I love Gouda!
Put on a cookie tray in the oven at 325 degrees for about 20 minutes.........
What a treat on a real snowy evening........

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