Tuesday, January 24, 2012


The new issue of Bon Appetit is full of Southern food recipes.  It seems that Southern Cooking has become the "In" thing.  Being married to an original southerner.......I have enjoyed southern cooking for quite some time.  Lots of grease..........almost everything is fried BUT these people live to be a ripe old age.......I find that remarkable...........I do lots of frying but moderate it with northern cooking also.  Now, the big thing I have discovered is........I've been doing my fried chicken all wrong.  I have always felt my fried chicken was really good but have found Bon Appetit is right.........it CAN get better.  I have always soaked my chicken in buttermilk overnight, no more............Now it is a dry rub, overnight..........so pay attention this will give you the BEST fried chicken you have ever eaten.

In a small bowl.....make your dry rub.........1 Tblsp Kosher salt, 2 tsp pepper, 1 tsp cayenne, 1/2 tsp garlic powder and 1/2 tsp onion powder.  Cut up your chicken.........start with a smaller chicken, 3-4 lbs........rub the seasoning all over and put in frig for over night.

Next day......let chicken sit for about 1 hour to reach room temp.  Now whisk tog 1 cup buttermilk, 1 egg, and 1/2 cup water in a med bowl.  In another bowl whisk tog 3 cups flour, 1 Tblsp cornstarch, 1 Tbslp Kosher salt and 1 Tblsp black pepper.
Now heat about 3/4 inch of peanut oil in a cast iron skillet..........I used to deep fat fry mine in the deep fat fryer........no more.......cast iron works so much better. If you are using a thermometer, you want the oil to be about 350 degrees.
Now, another mistake I have been making....I've been  DOUBLE DIPPING.......Too much........doesn't let the true flavor of the skin come through.  Dip your chicken piece into the buttermilk mixture and then into the flour mixture........fry about 5  pieces at a time.......turn with tongs about every minute or so..........Cook til skin is golden brown.......about 12 minutes......you can test with instant read thermometer. Should be about 165 degrees.
Place your cooked pieces on a rack over a cookie sheet......this keeps your chicken nice and crispy.
I can't even begin to tell you how good this is............my mouth is watering just talking about it.

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