Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Well..........I got back in my kitchen and realized I forgot several things for todays blog!! First I forgot to title it............AND please add salt and pepper and a dash of cayenne to your sauce.  Also a little fresh grated Parmesan.  Be sure to freshly grate you Parmesan to sprinkle on the spaghetti.

So.......since I had to come back into my blog........I decided to go ahead and give you my Caesar Salad recipe.  NOW..........this is the REAL recipe straight from Tijuana Mexico!  You can always tell your guests this is the authentic recipe.......never make anything else.  You need the freshest, clean, cold romaine lettuce. You will also need a fresh baguette.  I know people that serve Caesar Salad without the crunchy pieces of baguette...........so sorry.......its dragging that bread through that wonderful dressing that makes this salad.
You need 5 cloves of garlic, 1 can of anchovies, 3 egg yolks, pepper, 1/2 tsp Magi, 1/2 tsp Worcestershire sauce, 1/4 cup fresh lime juice,1 cup olive oil and 1/3 cup fresh grated Parmesan.  Mash the garlic and anchovies tog. Add the egg yolks, then the Magi and Worcestershire sauce.......Stir, add the lime juice and then when you add the olive oil.......beat like mad........last add 2 Tblsp Parmesan cheese...........My mouth is watering!! Okay two things.........anchovies are wonderful......don't be afraid of them........second.....just use good egg yolks and remember that the lime juice helps to cook them.............you won't have a problem.
Now slice your baguette quite thin.....brown on both sides in olive oil then sprinkle with the rest of the Parmesan cheese.  Fix a really beautiful plate with your romaine........pour dressing over and place the baguettes on the side..............Oh, Wow is this good!  If you never save another recipe.......save this one!

1 comment:

  1. http://www.walgreens.com/search/results.jsp?Ntt=lift+chair+recliners&x=15&y=10
    Just for Bob.
