Thursday, May 19, 2011


Do you ever have one of those days (or two) where everything seems to go hay wire?  Its happening to me........the battery in the phone is dying......the VCR broke........the sink is linking in the kitchen.......the faucet for the hose from last year just sprang about twenty cracks........and the battery on the car died!! Oh, dear...........not a good time.  BUT is still beautiful outside and I heard from my dear friend, Debra about a grand salad she made and it reminded me of is Salad Time........

The lemon/vodka dressing is getting to be quite popular. Here is a version I really like.  Debra started with Orzo and mine does can really add almost anything to are some ideas;  chopped tomatoes, chopped and blanched asparagus, chopped fresh basil or fresh baby spinach, dump in a can or two of tuna, drained, depending on how much you are making...........

The dressing: a shot of vodka, the same of lemon juice, about 2/3 cup olive oil and I like a little salt and pepper. driving after eating this salad dressing!

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